Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vampires..what do you think?

You might be a vampire if...

* You have a strong desire for and/or Stimulation by blood (sexual, revitalizing or otherwise)

* You have a nameless craving that can never quite be fulfilled

* People you get close to tend to become tired, weary and upset a lot around you

* People tend to find you interesting at first, then begin to avoid you

* Even when surrounded by others, you always feel alone

* Sunlight/bright light in general hurts your eyes (but you can go out in it, even so)

* You tend to be a night person by nature (because you may feel more comfortable and ';alive'; at this time)

* You have had a strong interest in vampires(in any aspect of the genre) probably since puberty onwards

* You have had a strong interest in vampires since a traumatic event occured in your life

* You don't get sick often, or if you do, the maladies are often strange or severe

* You are a fast healer

* Sex tends to leave you feeling revitalized and full of energy

* You have drank blood before or would like to, if you could

* You enjoy imbibing sexual fluids because of the vitality they contain

* Electrical appliances and you don't generally tend to get along well (watches stop often, computers malfunction for no reason, microwaves start up by themselves, etc)

* You prefer rich fabrics, tastes, scents etc.

* You are very sensitive to sensory extremes (strong scents, rough textures, sour tastes,etc)

* You feel totally different on some elemental,intuitive level to most other human beings

* You feel you don't belong in this century, maybe even this world

* You believe in reincarnation and maybe even have had past life visions

* Your dreams are often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of deja vu

* You easily ';trance out'; or find yourself detached from the world

* You posess an ability similar to ESP (or are highly intuitive in general)

* People often find you very empathetic to how they feel

* People often either trust you completely or think you are very dangerous.

* Your style of clothing tends to be more on the dramatic side

* Your relationships tend to be very rocky and emotionally unstable

* Your relationships tend to be very intense and passionate

* People tell you that you are too intense/an ';enigma';/';dark hole';/add similar phrase here

* You look younger than you are (when you're beyond twenty years of age) or look older than you are (when you are younger than 20 yrs of age)

* You can see and/or read auras

* Animals tend to get along well with you

* You have good, natural ';magickal'; abilities (if you do spells, etc, usually they work)

* You have only one or two friends/lovers who really understand you and whom you get along with

* When you will things to happen, they usually do

* You can often easily tell how other people are feeling

* You feel sick/get rashes/etc in the daytime when the sun is shining

* (you're a woman) Your period starts late in the day and your cycle is usually timed to the full moon

* You suffer from allergies

Important Note: Many visitors to VAU tell me that they have most of or all of these symptoms and does this mean they are definately a vampire? The answer is, not necessarily. Having all of these traits does not necessarily mean you are vampiric, nor does having none of these traits mean you are not necessarily vampiric. Therefore, let the following be your primary indicator of vampirism above all else: a real vampire, whether psychic or blood oriented, will have a craving. The vampire will either know what he/she craves, or will have a nameless craving they can't quite put their finger on, but nevertheless it is there. If you don't have a craving, you are not a vampire.

Common Misconceptions and their realities

* Misconception: Vampires are seductive, powerful, hypnotic creatures

* Reality: Vampires are just like everyone else, although generally tend to have more intense, charismatic personalities.

* Misconception: Vampires don't need jobs

* Reality: Vampires need to earn a living just like everyone else. They hold all types of jobs from the mundane to the exciting, just like everybody else also.

* Misconception: Vampires are physically immortal and/or undead

* Reality: Vampires are physically mortal, with immortal souls. Vampires live normal lifespans and normal lives and have never, at any point in their physical life, died and risen from the grave.

* Misconception: Vampires are repelled by garlic/crosses/roses/etc

* Reality: Vampires can eat anything, are of all religions and the only time they might be repelled by a rose is if the thorn happens to prick them :)

* Misconception: Vampires drink only blood

* Reality: Vampires come in two types: The blood drinking type (sanguivores) and the energy absorbing type (psy-vamps). They, just like any other human, cannot survive without a regular diet of food and drink as well.

* Misconception: Vampires are evil and know what they are doing is evil and wrong

* Reality: Evil is a relative term, and there is no being on earth who can state with any validation what is good and what is evil. There are a great many evil humans out there too, anyway. Furthermore, not all vampires even know they are vampires...let alone contemplating whether their vampirism makes them good or bad.

* Misconception: Vampires can't go out in sunlight

* Reality: Vampires can go out in sunlight, it just generally tends to hurt their eyes and/or give them heat rashes/headaches or illness (to varied degrees)

* Misconception: The only way a vampire can be killed is through sunlight/staking/add other fictional vampire-killing method here

* Reality: Vampires can die of anything from bullets to AIDS to even a stake through the heart...just like any other human being. Sunlight; however, will not kill a vampire...this is a fictional device.

* Misconception: Vampires sleep in coffins/wear capes/have fangs/ are extremely pale/cast no reflection/etc

* Reality: Vampires are just like everyone else, as I've said. Many look, dress and live quite normally. None are borne with fangs (tho anyone and everyone can get fangs surgically implanted)...all cast reflections...and the only reason a vampire might be a tad paler than most is an avoidance of sunlight (if they are sensitive to it).

* Misconception: Vampires are pretentious/arrogant beings who believe they are a superior race and who insist that everyone accept the fact of their existance. Vampires will, if necessary use threats and/or go mainstream (ie: appear on tv shows, in magazines, news casts, etc) to force people to believe in their existance.

* Reality: For the most part, vampires are very easy-going and tolerant...well as much, that is, as any other human being on earth. Many will not force their beliefs on others or share with the world that they are a vampire, unless a specific individual asks and/or is interested in learning. If that individual still doesn't care to believe that the vampire is a vampire (and/or has a difficult time of understanding the concept of real vampirism vs, stereotypical fictional/folkloric vampirism) then the vampire will generally not force the issue further. Real vampires also will rarely go mainstream with their nature...in fact, most, if anything, set about to undo the negative connotations the vampiric community has received by the influence of those alleged ';members'; of the vampire community (who aren't really members) who have indeed gone mainstream and committed heinous acts of crime, etc. Vampires also will not go around making threats such as ';Oh...I am a 400 year old vampire and if you don't surrender to me I will kill you, etc, etc). Most will even seek to debunk such fictionalized stereotypes. Furthermore, vampires generally also do not believe themselves a superior race, just a different race...if anything, they may have more of a deeper appreciation for life than do normal human beings. Basically, vampires tend to live by a ';to each his own'; motto...they will not judge your lifestyle/values/beliefs etc if you do not judge theirsVampires..what do you think?
yep, that sounds about right. I've known a few vampires and this rings true.

Looking through the other answers, I find it funny how quick people are to reject anything supernatural. Yet everyone I know has something which has happened to them which defies mundane explanation. So deep down people know that it's true, and yet they don't believe it. Funny.

As for the ';trancing out'; point, this is due to the fact that vampires tend to drain energy through the vision realm. With practice, they get better at entering and finding their way through the vision realm. The ability to easily enter into a trance state is essential.

Also, i have found that many vampires are pretentious/arrogant beings who believe they are a superior race, however you are right about them not wanting everyone to accept their existence. In fact, it works to their advantage to have people not believe.Vampires..what do you think?
Interesting fact about Vampires, a long time ago when this disorder was discovered called porphyria doctors advised people who suffer from it to drink human blood in order to balance their hemoglobin most people suffering from the disorder where all those things you just described.

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I am a vampyre and I have to say, Wow most people can't weave out all the b/s but I have to give you props for you have done so. The mainstream ordeal, most vampyres will not discuss vampyrism with someone unless they trust the person with their life, it's a safety precaution.

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Oh and by the way the only reason I'm revealing my nature of being a vampyre is because no one can really find any personal information on me so I am safe. ;)

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Obsesed freaks.........

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i know people like this, but they aren't frickin vampires!

i think they just have a certain complex that makes them act that way

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Its so refreshing to meet someone who knows what they are talking about. These are lists I am very, very famliar with. I dont usually like to say much on the topic, but this is a very well informed collection of information about real Vampires, both sanguinarian and psychic. I think it's real.
most vampire types are the physic type that steal life energy not blood.

yes there are some forms of mental illness that mimic the classical coception and have a fasination with drinking blood.

others are being iniated into a cult and are drinking animal blood instead of human blood.

the only humans that can be called vampires are canables. which may have originaly started some of the legends.

valid the impaler was not a vampire.

some female rolality though that bathing in human blood would keep them young looking.
Absolutely. In college I was dating a girl who, as it turns out, was a vampire.

It took me several months to come to this realization for I was fixated on her limitless beauty and infinite wisdom.

Her skin was as pale as the flesh of a lychee glowing in the moonlight for she refused to be seen by daylight.

She took classes in the evening and slept by day. The only times I saw her outdoors in the dawn were when it was raining. She loved the rain. She had a large collection of trench coats and umbrellas. Under her coat she wore the most lovely skirts. I always got a kick out of seeing her wear a skirt with boots. (not literally)

I loved her. When she was ill I would tend to her. When she was sad I would comfort her. The realization that she was a vampire momentarily stopped my heart as I was overcome by respect and fear.

In the end, I decided to break it off. I don't think that I am cut out to be a vampire. Perhaps I had the opportunity but I have yet to regret my decision.
I have mixed feeling between logic and myth. Did you know that there is a disease out there that makes you crave blood because of the iron in it and they are unable to go out at night.
Honestly i like the anne rice way of talking about vampires but you have made me feel crazy and stupid
Yowza. :D *LOL* I think I just met someone more verbose than *I* am. Ye gods.....that wasn't a question, that was an *essay*. For future reference, at least *warn* folks that you're going to fold, spindle and mutliate the typical character limits Yahoo has for the rest of us on questions. *lol* ;)) Like I am so terribly terse myself, but wow....

Ok...what I think is this. Vampires, in the mythological and folkloric sense are in fact *myths* in the full sense, meaning 90% of what is out there is myth and fiction....but that there is also a wee kernel of truth to it, and that the wee bit of truth behind the curtain is what maintains the mythology.

And I am *not* going to go down your checklist, ok? Because a) I don't particularly *like* the PR-game slant you are using on this list, trying to make Vampires just ';mutants like us'; so that they look good--truth is, a lot of what goes on in terms of *vampiric psychology* is just plain unhealthy and a result of neurological and/or metabolic damage IMHO, and shouldn't be celebrated as ';the next big thing'; in evolution if it isn't *really* evolution *forward*, and b) because, well....your list is so long and inclusive that *anyone* who feels like a misfit at some point could fit in and claim vampirism. Which rather misses the point to anyone who knows *anything* about where vampires *fit in* on a cultural level: namely they are the meme-in-the-flesh for the predatory elites of our society, the literal nightmare construct we use to describe the *real-life* blood suckers we have to deal with on a societal level.

And....not to brag. Mind you. This isn't something to be proud of, but some degree of vampiric psychology runs *strongly* in my family. Especially on my mother's side. But a lot of it is also darwinian too, as in it was something my mother had to learn and acquire to survive her childhood (after being in a severe car accident at the age of 13, and being told repeatedly that she'd be too brain-damaged and disabled to ever have anything resembling a normal life), and it was something my sisters and myself had to learn, to a lesser degree, to survive our own childhoods at the hands of an emotionally distant and neglectful, brain-damaged and disabled mother who drank and smoked herself to death, and also at the hands of a psychotic, violent, predatory beast of a father....

In other words, we had to take the long-term damage to our health to survive and *get out* in one piece. And I don't consider that making me some sort of *homo superior* or some sort of legend, *lol*.

If you would like to know more, please email me, I will NOT expose myself to further nit-picking and wise-cracking by the close-minded, ok? I already have enough skeletons in my closet without someone laughing at me over my mom being an emotional drainer (drunk or sober, as an entirely unconscious and reflexive thing, mind you, she had no control over it until she was *very old in life*), or over my spending my childhood in misery because I had asthma and allergy symptoms that *got worse* out in bright sunlight, ok? And before you ask, ';photophobic'; allergenic reactions to bright lighting are in fact well-documented medical phenomena...

But yeah, email me if you'd like to know more, last I checked that option was still turned on in my Answers Profile. Just keep in mind I am a weird one and definitely qualify as ';damaged goods';. :)
Sounds to me like youve fallen for the same type of thing people fall for when psycics say '; a terrible tragidy will come'; ..well there are always bad things happening.. so someone wrote a book or website on what youve written and you bought into it.. good for you. but the truth is youve just described nearly 1/2 the population AT LEAST on earth or at least most of what you said does.. and then whats more telling is the disclamer that well even though someone fits this mold that doesnt really make them a vampire.. my bull **** alarms are going off. and yours shouldve too
Does anyone NOT fit into one of these catagories or is it only those who prefer not to read them?? I DO BELIEVE there are way too many generalizations here to put a check mark in the Vampire box! If I WERE one I may get annoyed that you deem us so common .
That was the dumbest thing I have ever read and I feel dumber for having read it. Thank you for dumbing me up!!
100% pure, uncut bullshit.

I hate to break it to you, but vampires are imaginary. All this myth/reality stuff you're saying is that vampires are just like normal humans...ergo, vampires as they're known in stories don't exist, just humans who happen to have some psychopathic fixation on blood.

You can use any name you want for it, it's still a human being.
Vampires are usually people who just want to belong, like everyone else. They just made up a group to belong to.
Now see, you're looking here at one of the oldest debates.

Vampires were, simply put, created as fiction. Following this, people quickly began to compare the fiction with older folk legends and strange goings-on and to suspect that the condition of vamyrism was actually a genuine, factful disease.

There are physical and mental illensses that can cause the effects of vampyrism, such as porphyria (physical) and schitzophrenia (psychological).

A more recent notion is the idea of both psychic and pranic vampyres. Pranic being the traditional archetypal romantic vampyre stereotype, and psychic being the modern vampyre projection, a person that feeds off the pure energy given off by people.

This is a debate that could go on for a long time, and which really needs to be argued not with personal opinion but with medically accurate information relating the physiological potential for vampyrism (remembering such things at the fact that blood is a natural emetic, and in humans induces vomiting if consumed in large quantities) and psychological evidence as to the mental condition of most people claiming to be vampyres, not to mention the history of vampyrism in literature and legend.
Basically what most people on here that are answering the question don't realize what you're trying to say is that: Vampires aren't the fiction stories you hear about, they are very real. People are still hung on the fiction they have been fed so, so it's probably hard for them to believe there actually vampires out there. Vampires are very real in this world, except not all the fictional details like you said. I've even watched documents on humans who are vampires, they are normal people who do add up to all of those details. I think the people who are saying that anybody could have some of those details, are quite missing the main one, you have to have an addiction.

So yes, vampires are real. Just drop the fictional details, and see them as normal people. Most vampires have friends that will let them drink their blood, so they won't attack you. Mainly people need to stop burying their heads in all this interesting fictional stuff, and realize that almost everything is stretched out more than it really is, just to make it interesting.

I think you did an excellent job on covering what vampires do, and what they are like. Also you did a phenomenal job on clearing up all that fictional crap. Good job! ^_^

You have a wonderful day as well! ^_^
Vampires are not this long winded .they grab you and come to the point

two points in fact

you would have been an emty bag of skin after the first paragraph.

Vampires are in reality Anunaki .who need to drink blood to retain their human form.

they originally were refugees from Mars ,before it was knocked out of Orbit .

and they got no principles that humans can relate to,

they literaly get a charge out of the fear that is produced by humans

try to prove me wrong

,you will not be able to do it
Omg! All of this time I have been telling these poor souls on here that vampires are not real and you just described everything about me. I never thought anything about it because I hate onion and garlic. My dad's eyes are sensitive to light so I thought that is where I got that. I REALLY only have two people in my life. I would rather sleep all day. Everything....I am usually never sick but if I am it is severe. I am so shocked! YOU have to tell me more! I do study Wicca and even my very first spell worked...I passed it off as beginners luck and my Indian heritage! OMG!!! I AM SO FREAKIN OUT!
umm, let me think....

misconception: there is such thing as a vampire

reality: vampires dont exist. its just a myth/legend that is made up by people in the past.
fantasy is cool but you've stepped over the line into...The Twilight Zone.
So where's the REAL question? I just see someone posting all their ideas about a fictional archetype. Weird.
Whoa u totally studied...... but yea i think theyre FASCINATING!!!!!!!! i luv reading about them!!!!!!!!!!! theyre always so hott in the movies!!!!!
I think your a vampire! JK I think vampires in movies are sexy, erotic, sexual, beautiful, and dangerous creatures. I love them!
Holy snappin arseholes!!!!! THATS ME!!!!
I'd like to know where you are getting all of your information, really? I mean are you like a vampire scholar and if so what do you think of the new Blade tv show?
wow. i'm a vampire! you basically described me as a psy-vamp. sweeeeet!
wow, thats alot to read. but I will say I am a vampire hunter.
girl everthing u said describes my best friend...thats freaky. i mean everything u said describes her. can u get back to me on this vamirer stuff? e-mail me plz.

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